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Sydney, Wednesday 11/03/2007 by Jan Kosuta:
UEFA Champions League - New season 2007 in progress

The first competition of the new season had unbelievable results. Pipik started in very poor form, he did just two points from two draws. He was so tired as usual so he drank red bull and then he fell into a deep sleep. But the competition did not stop it was just starting.

The big surprise for everyone was definitely the champion from last season Ivan. He started good, but then he was just losing and losing and he finished in the unbelievable last place!

Martin gave a better performance than last year but it was only enough for third position.

Ondra he played very well as usual. Ondra always plays fair – no yellow even red cards and he achieved the very nice second place, but he was still unhappy because he wanted to win. He was first for most of the games, but he lost everything in the last match with Honza.

Jan Kosuta - Champion Yes it was unbelievable and a big surprise for the other players but not for Honza. He is the new champion. This happened because he gave a fantastic performance and in the last round beat Ivan 4:1, Martin 6:1 and Ondra 4:2.
So, all we can do now give congratulations to the new champion and wait until the next competition, when Honza will defend his place.

Pipik sleepingWinner: Honza Kosuta
Runner up: Ondra Schwarz
Third: Martin Knut
Fourth: Ivan Kuban!!!
Fifth: sleeping Lada Buday (Pipik)

Upcoming event: 21 march 2007




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